I'm in Laselle!
Oh well, so I have a future after all. Ahah, one in my desired course- film. Went for the interview at Laselle on 30th March. The way the anxiety struck me and the dire consequences if I didn't nail the interview just completely hung over me. Oh well, really glad it's over and I got in. :))Turns out Progeria needs me to session for them for Gods Of Metal 4. Covering stuff from Carnal Forge. Not exactly familiar with the screamo screamo type of vocals but I'll give it a try I guess.
Was watching Campus Idol that day with Dad and I must say Teresa had really grown so much prettier. Was silently rooting for her all the way, something about the guy's face that I just could not stand. Besides, he's such a nasal singer. Maybe it's because I'm a hot blooded male but something about Teresa's shyness that somehow contorted itself into a truthful sincerity to me. And guess what? That HC faggot won the competition. I find it really weird, he's already in Singapore top college but yet he wants to be a singer. A local homegrown artiste would earn probably 8k/month whereas a scientist or whatever man might earn perhaps 30-40k/month. No common sense right? It just doesn't make any sense to me.
I think we Singaporeans are becoming like Americans in terms of judgement. We make all the wrong voting decisions(Sorry, Micheal Moore just opened my eyes.). The only publically good decision we ever made was to vote Taufik instead of Sly in Singapore Idol.
We Singaporeans are just obedient citizens, any government organisation would be estatic to receive us. We are just good citizens, fullstop.
Hmmm, venom?(2 labret piercings at the side and one the middle) Or snakebite? (Just two labret piercings at the sides) Can't make up my mind man. Or none? Or eyebrow? Oh sheesh, confused confused.
All the hype regarding the Progress Package or whatever it's called. Is it really just? Well, it is a free handout.. Oh I just simply love the Mutton's in the morning on 98.7fm, simply hilarious bunch of laughter junkies. Good things like these should be banned. Well, isn't it happening everywhere? Ahah, tell me I'm wrong. Think about it, why do we ban weed?